A Guide into your Tech Journey

Abdullahi Abdulkabir
2 min readAug 5, 2020


A lot of people have reached out to me about how to get started with coding (Tech). I’m putting this out there as a guide to whoever might want to start his/her journey into tech, to decide on what tech field to get into.

So there are a few things to consider, you need to understand that the world of tech is wide so you can’t just say I want to be a tech person and jump into it.

The first question I ask people is, ’why tech?’. I know this might sound a bit funny, but trust me, there’s a reason for that question. Quite a lot of people who want to start a career in tech either just want to while away time or have heard that tech is a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.

Either way, having the zeal to learn and doing things that are related to your career interests are things you need to define yourself.

The next thing to consider is, ’what field do you want to specialize in?’, this also plays an important role, because defining the field yourself would hold you accountable. A friend or a mentor can decide a field for you which might not be ideal for you. You can check this out to see some of the fields in tech here.

Also, while deciding, you can use the idea of what you want to build to choose a field. That is, ‘I want to build apps that work on phones’, with this the field you’d choose would be mobile development.

The next thing to consider is ‘what technological tools do you want to use?’ (A beginner might not know this yet). I’ll leave this aspect for anyone who asks me to check the stacks he/she would use, then I’d get recommendations for the person.

Lastly, ‘can you be consistent?’. A lot of people who started coding or any other tech field stopped it because they weren’t consistent or because they probably found out they have no interest in it. You need to be consistent and patient to achieve the height you desire.

“Practice makes perfect”.

Thank you for reading. I hope this inspires you.



Abdullahi Abdulkabir

Muslim ||Systems Engineer|| Ex Software Engineer @montopolisgroup ||former facilitator @ Codelagos